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THE TIMESTEALERS: Devising Process

We started this process from analyzing what we liked in One Moment and what we would like to change or add to the new show, The Timestealers. Although we were working from similar ideas and themes, we wanted to find different ways of expressing them and knew that it was going to be a very different kind of show.

Things we want to keep:

New ideas and things we want to change:

Finally we made the decision to develop 3 creatures simlarly as we started during the process for One Moment, but this time we decided they all come from the future and would be evil agents there to steal people's time. Our fictional narrative development was strongly inspired by the story of Momo by Michael Ende - a text we read together when we first formed as a company. We kept the circular and cyclical composition , we kept the repetion of sections and we have also started the show in the same way as we ended.

Click on the links below to find out more about how we developed the show.

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